Strengthening Emergency Disaster Resilience in Papua New Guinea

Mar 20, 2024

In Papua New Guinea, where natural disasters are prevalent, SAWSO responded to the need for improved disaster preparedness

In the heart of the Ring of Fire lies Papua New Guinea (PNG), a region grappling with the dual challenges of natural disasters and underdevelopment. The Salvation Army, deeply embedded in health and education initiatives, recognized the need for enhanced disaster preparedness. This realization led to the initiation of the "Emergency Preparedness Training in Papua New Guinea" project, a comprehensive effort to bolster the region's resilience.

Operating health clinics and supporting educational endeavors, The Salvation Army in Papua New Guinea is no stranger to community service. However, the region's susceptibility to natural disasters, coupled with limited resources and security concerns, necessitated a strategic response.

Papua New Guinea faces a spectrum of disasters, including earthquakes, underdeveloped infrastructure, and security challenges. These obstacles proved challenging for The Salvation Army's response and services, highlighting the imperative for a robust disaster response plan and enhanced capacity.

Responding to this need, The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO) championed the cause by funding the PREPARE Emergency Preparedness Training. The project sought to institute a new response plan for future disasters by evaluating past disaster responses, particularly the 2018 earthquake. The intensive five-day training engaged Salvation Army personnel from across Papua New Guinea, encompassing workshops, presentations, and practical exercises.

Integral to the training were sessions outlining key roles during disasters: incident commanders, operations, communications, finance, and logistics. A noteworthy aspect was the exploration of the intersection between peacekeeping and disaster response, emphasizing the importance of intentional planning for both natural and human-made crises.

The local Salvation Army in Papua New Guinea, with its strengths in church activities, social services, and disaster relief, played a pivotal role. They took on the responsibility of being on ground to meet with the local communities to see where their needs are and participated in the training that were crucial and necessary to make a difference. On the other hand, SAWSO provided crucial financial support, covering attendees' flights, accommodations, and logistical needs.

Major Gaina Vali, Secretary for Communications and Property of PNG Territory, noted that the training sharpened his disaster response skills and provided valuable tools that could be implemented in responding to future disasters. Commending the Salvation Army International Emergency Services Facilitators, he highlighted the collaborative learning environment that enriched his experience. "From my personal experience of the PREPARE Training, it was one of the best trainings I attended, and I will treasure the knowledge received and try my best to apply to the best of my ability in the future," he said. 

Tavera Elai, Project Coordinator at the PNG Territory, expressed gratitude for the significant learning opportunity that the training provided. The training served as a steppingstone, enhancing his understanding of disaster preparedness, needs assessment, and collaboration. The training significantly elevated the capacity of the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory to prepare for and respond to disasters. Key personnel in every division and district underwent training, forging stronger partnerships with other humanitarian organizations. The end goal is the development and implementation of a territorial response plan, with SAWSO planning follow-ups to ensure its execution.

The Salvation Army's Emergency Preparedness Training in Papua New Guinea stands as a beacon of proactive disaster risk reduction efforts. By equipping local personnel with essential skills and knowledge, the project ensures a more resilient and prepared community in the face of future challenges. As The Salvation Army continues to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the territorial response plan, the impact of this initiative is poised to create a lasting positive effect in Papua New Guinea.